Friday, December 16, 2022

Tools to make Pixel Art

    Who knew pixel art was so easy and tough to make? I learned a lot while researching this project though. has some great tips on how to start your pixel art piece with Photoshop and Illustrator. There's a lot of Youtube videos that explain all this with more expressiveness. This Video explains how to lay out your pixel grid. And has this great tutorial to read and this one too that explains how to export your finished art. Finally, as a helpful guide Pixel-Stitch, this and Lunapic can show you what a finished pixel art may look like once it's all filled in.
    I don't know if I'll ever have to make pixel art for my clients in the future but at least there's a lot of resources out there to help me start.

Update!: I decided to buckle down and actually try to pixel an image square by pixel square in Adobe Illustrator and it came out well. Thank God! It took hours but now I can say I can make pixel art. I chose to pixelate a Blythe Doll character.

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