Saturday, February 10, 2024

Happy to see that I am the Inspiration for Winnipeg's Chinatown's new Banner art


In art school I was taught that inspiration and muses are to be respected. Especially art competition winners past and present. I don't mind Canadian cities gaining inspiration from their applicants especially when I am a Canadian veteran. I just think it's interesting how similar things are sometimes even when no one acknowledges how important the past and elders are. I am happy to have left a contribution to Winnipeg. Because of me and others Winnipeg did see better days. I am happy to see that diversity and the Canadian Asian culture matters to Winnipeg. As a person who helped shape Canada, I love all the cultures of Canada and their artists. 
At the Winnipeg College I entered the Chinatown art contest as a team of four people. We each worked on two banners each. We didn't win and I saw no mention of any of us getting any rewards for our hard work but I can clearly see that I inspired. Canada knows, Winnipeg knows, and so does God. Maybe that's enough sometimes. To see the new art visit the Winnipeg Art Council website.
These are my submissions:

In the last banner I represent different symbols of the Asian communities as a background to the land of Winnipeg while a traditional Chinese farmer cultivates the fertile grass near the Red river. The Human Rights Museum stands tall and very visible in the center. A lucky monkey represents intelligence and a connection to humans.
These are the sketches that I made that helped me put these two banners together in Adobe illustrator:

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Spa Billboard Conceptualization

    In my college course, we studied how to use art to promote stores and companies in any field that they operate by presenting its purpose for existing. I picked a spa business and emphasized the positive vibes of being away from work and home. When you are utilizing the spa, a customer will feel at peace and not far from nature. I came up with the slogan, "The place that activates relaxation." I photoshopped and pieced together everything.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Fluevog Shoe Ad Assignment

    I entered the "Change the future of advertising for the better, one Fluevog Ad at a time" Campaign. Fluevog Creative gives talented and aspiring artists the chance to create a Fluevog ad that will grace the pages of magazines around the globe. I designed an appropriate Fluevog ad for the "Rory " Shoe, the black and white version. I felt it had a 60s-70s vibe so I looked up some inspirational quote from that era. I found and decided to turn a popular Timothy Leary, the Harvard professor quote into something I understand. "Turn on your mind, Tune in to what matters, Drop the negativity." I added it to the background of my ad with colors inspired by that time. I also found a beautiful model with a similar style to the famous Twiggy also called Dame Lesley Lawson. I love the big eyes and the long eyelashes look accentuated by the application of more lashes on top of the natural ones. The model that I used as the foundation for my Adobe illustrator vector art is Peggy Moffit. I then constructed the ad around the illustration of the Rory Shoes and added some abstract elements. Landline phones were a big innovation in that time and they helped to connect people to what they love including items like shoes. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Project: Save The Aliens in Area 51

    I made a prototype surface design for an app called "Save The Aliens in Area 51." I dabbled with an Adobe Software called "Adobe XD" to make it. I thought it was kind of interesting even though it was hard to grasp at first. Adobe is in the middle of partnering with Figma instead of the program they made called XD. Honestly I really like XD. I don't understand why they don't just enhance it or upgrade it. XD allows people to build prototype front end designs for apps. In the past with the right tools, you can generate code directly from your Adobe XD project. Anima lets designers create high-fidelity code-based prototypes in Adobe XD, then export developer-friendly HTML, React, and Vue code in a few clicks. but now Adobe for some reason wants to leave all that behind and start using Figma. I tried learning Figma. I can build with it but I don't like it as much as XD. 
To start the design I sketched some drawings of aliens I wanted to digitally paint to motivate people to care about the aliens no matter what they look like. I also puttered around with A.I websites that spit out alien concepts that didn't quite look alien or have the right proportions. When I have a job I will learn how to use the high end A.I programs to help me map out concepts but for now the Photoshop Generative Fill is pretty useful. I designed the sheep logo with Adobe illustrator after I sketched it out on paper. 

I don't approve of racism. I don't like bullies who abuse the people who are different. Everyone can love and learn to appreciate, if not adore, Jesus Christ. Including aliens. Capturing aliens and angels and sticking them in a warehouse to study them and experiment on them is not acceptable especially when they aren't even citizens of that country. Not to mention sometimes they get tortured and mutated. Humans and others need to stop hurting them. 

Why do they fly to our time and certain lands? I am unsure of the reason but I know their is a reason. It could be that they want to save us from destruction. Maybe they are like Saints, they just care. Even the Greys that are supposedly experimenting on humans have a good reason. Maybe they are like doctors, trying to figure out why humans are so petty and jealous and full of malice. Maybe they have permission to make us better. Jesus is not of this world as well and he has my permission to make me better than human. I don't know why some aliens do what they do. I think most of them are benevolent though. Maybe the reason changes depending on the dimension they are in or where they are. I understand that multi-verse dysfunctions can happen but with God's permission things can be repaired and heal. Making them angry is not the solution.

All around the world animals have shown that they can evolve. Sometimes they don't even seem like they were born on Earth. Maybe they are not but God knows where they are. They matter and so do humanoid aliens. Helping them find their way to their planet and in the right dimension is benevolent if it is done correctly and with God's permission. You don't want to throw the aliens in a universe where their is war when they are supposed to be in a peaceful realm. You would not do this to angels or Saints so why do people think it's okay to treat aliens differently? Taking angels and Saints and even soldiers out of Heaven is wrong. God does not like creation being hurt. In Canada we have an anthem that says God commands the sons and in all thy son's commands. The Saints command with permission. Canada is a country full of diversity, every culture and ethnicity matters. All of the Saints matter no matter what they look like or where they were born. Not to forget either, that indigenous people getting hurt is not okay. They are home, Canada acknowledges this and our neighbors should do a better job with this concept. Houseless is not homeless. Every energy, ancestors, and guardians matter too. No matter what color it is. Friends of life and goodness. Nature is benevolent. God cares. 

I am writing this on a day after Israel declared war on Palestine. I don't want the world to go to war but I don't like how some people have been at war for a very long time and the world didn't really flinch or try to save them. Humans get used to war and death but I know that doesn't mean God thinks it's okay. I do believe that God wants to save the good. It doesn't matter what they look like. If humans want to live in a world without war they need to save what is good. What was, will be, and can be good. 
Saint Paul matters. Saints like him matter too. When something is redeemed and forgiven it needs to be protected just as much as what is pure. Throw in time travel and a long timeline and what was good can change in a negative way with torture or painful challenges but it still matters. I believe only Jesus Christ is perfect. Turning around and picking on things that are more perfect then you is not okay either. Corrupting things just to make yourselves feel better is and always will be wrong. Breaking things, people, animals, beings, energy and paradises is not okay. 
We need to do what we can to protect, repair, heal, save and forgive when we can. Also, we should let what can go to Heaven go to Heaven. If they are supposed to be in Heaven or somewhere nice let them be there.

I was born in Canada in an imperfect peaceful time that I learned to respect. When my parents got a divorce I felt like something became damaged, and I was kidnapped. I ended up traveling a lot as a child. Some cities in the USA were nice but some were not. Some seem to have changed for the better while others not so much. Some cities that were nice are not now and vice versa. 

Aliens need to becareful where they go especially when trying to save

Most of the cities in the the southern states of the USA are not that nice to aliens. I can only remark on the cities that I got stuck in. I understand that there is no way of knowing how they would be in a different dimension with negative elements not being there. If you remove the bad guys from the world, the world would obviously be better. And if the world is better why would you put the bad guys back in the world to torment the aliens, angels, and Saints? I don't know why nor do I want to.
  • Tampa Bay, Florida is horrible to the aliens. 
  • Orlando is better but it's like a weird child-like matrix. 
  • Miami in better days can coexist with aliens well.
  • No data is allowed to exist about Alabama and Mississippi. All I can say is they seem racist.
  • The big city in Georgia seems nicer to aliens but they also deal with racism. 
  • Louisiana is dangerous but can be repaired. 
  • Texas is home to a lot of liars. They don't really like aliens it seems.
  • Nevada seems to depend on certain factors. It seems like a danger zone but maybe not always.
  • Philadelphia can be repaired and then is anti-racism but I truly think the aliens need help here nowadays. 
  • Colorado is very temperamental. Not sure anymore, but I think they can be repaired but be-careful.
  • The Carolinas are racist these days.
  • California seems to like aliens but not religion or the religious.

(Below) This is the final concept of the first page, the home page of my Save The Aliens in Area51 app.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Homeless Shelter for Women Advertisements

    I recently traveled to Saskatchewan and visited homeless shelters for women. I volunteered at one and that is when I first saw the real horrific wounds of domestic abuse. I saw a young women with two children feeding her youngest with a very dark purple black eye. It shocked me to see this and it saddened me. I also saw a woman who could not stop crying in her room because of abusive relationship nightmares. I talked to an ebony woman who told me she never felt like she could stay in one place for too long and was always afraid of being touched and she wondered how she could ever share a bed with someone. She might randomly scream in the middle of the night or get in a fight without much thought. She confided in me and expressed that she prays every night and wishes for all of this trauma to go away. She just wants to be a normal person with a normal life and maybe meet a normal future husband and have kids. 
    In my room I noticed it was a lot nicer than in some other shelters, I think they did a fine job making the building accessible and comfortable for single mothers, kids and women. That night I was exhausted and crawled into bed and reflected on everything that I had seen and been through. I know Jesus Christ does not like women to be abused. I feel like certain devils don't care and others do. Why are some people magnets and why do good women die when they have been through so much hell that they didn't deserve? People have told me lots of stories to try and explain things but honestly I am not super sure what is true anymore. I think the bad guys who don't learn their lessons should be weeded out so they don't inflict any more pain on the good. I leave it in the hands of God to judge and organize. I am just a servant who also has her own batch of injuries but it seems like the more we suffer, the more we understand other peoples' sufferings if not always their successes. I am happy for those that overcome, but it's still a mystery to me how God evaluates things.
    I know Canada cares about the vulnerable. I know God watches over the people as well. I am proud to be Canadian, I just wish I wasn't so weak sometimes. Caring is a super power but it needs protection just like anything in this world. 
    Later that week I went home and worked on poster advertisements and a website mock up for women shelter concepts as my final project for the advance advertisement class.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Website and poster for Alberta Forest Care

 Information and Excerpts about the plight of Alberta’s forests:

 Numerous economic, social, and environmental advantages come from forests. The Canadian economy continues to be significantly influenced by the timber industry. The industry sustains more than 300 towns that depend on the forest, generates revenue for local employees in 2,400 villages, adds $25.2 billion to the nominal GDP, and directly employs more than 184,000 Canadians.

 The economic and daily lives of Canadians, notably those in rural and Indigenous communities, are greatly influenced by the country's woods. By supplying necessary habitat, food, renewable energy, and materials, forests support life. Additionally, they offer possibilities for spiritual and cultural development as well as crucial environmental services. roughly 300 forest-dependent communities are supported by the industry, which also directly employs 205,365 Canadians, including roughly 12,000 members of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit groups. Additionally, forests offer vital habitat for wildlife, produce commodities and services that may spur sustainable development, and are crucial to combating climate change. In order to control carbon and lessen the effects of climate change, sustainably managed forests and the wood products made from them are crucial.

 But there is evidence that our Canadian forests are vanishing due to fires and the lumber industry. We need to be extremely careful.  


Trees are mostly removed by using the logging technique known as clear-cutting. Clear-cutting involves using large machinery to remove enormous tracts of forest. This exposes the earth, which is therefore easily erodible.  - Clear-cutting a forest alters the kinds of flora and animals that live there.  - In the cleared regions, grasses and plants start to emerge.  - Many of the forest's species must locate new habitats and food sources. The forestry firm occasionally replaces the trees it has removed but they never succeed in restoring the original ecology, despite their best attempts.

 Should the size of cities be capped to prevent the exploitation of forest land?  Every year, more individuals relocate to cities. These folks require housing. The city planners have the option of annexing more property near their borders or of constructing inside those lines. Forest land is frequently present in an urban area. Today, many cities prefer to build inside rather than outward. They may preserve precious forest area outside of the city in this way.

I propose a different way. I recently scoped out the middle east side of the province. I drove from Lloydminster to Vermillion Alberta. While on the road I saw so much land prepared for cows to graze on. Someone told me that the farmers had cut a lot of the forests that use to be there to make room for these free roaming cows. I love that they have room to walk around in and eat but these hilly lands were bigger than most of the small cities in this Alberta region. I think the big and successful farming businesses should give 1/3 or ¼ of their land to build cities. The trees have already been cut and are nowhere to be seen. We need to utilize these vast hills and give the customers and consumers of these cow products that the farmers make money on by building them a town, or a small city so they can live and buy even more stuff. The cows don’t need 3 hills worth of grazing pastures. I feel like that is a little excessive.


I made this poster and website pictured below to promote better treatment of our forests and wildlife. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The Poster I Made for The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow

My teacher told me to design a poster for a board game called The Werewolf of Miller's Hollow. I did some research and decided to make a photoshopped, digital poster that embodies the vibe of real human beings, friends playing the board game as characters of that story. Juenzo and Abrill. 

The poster’s concept art highlights the two important key characters of the group game called “The Werewolves of Millers Hollow.” The pilgrims who close their eyes at night to sleep and the werewolves who open their eyes at night to kill. In the little village of Millers Hollow, where this portable party game is set, werewolves commit murders every night. Before the village loses its final few residents, it is now necessary to seize control and vanquish this ancient evil. The poster has a cheeky sense of trouble brewing in the air about it while the beautiful, blindfolded lady Abrill, gives the poster a sense of drama. Technically, the guy Juenzo isn't really a werewolf. The person with wolf characteristics is a friend of the redhead, and he's secretly supposed to be a werewolf since that's what the card he picked up states. The background is a photoshop stencil effect on a pilgrim town photograph. I like how it shows pilgrims gathered and running around town. It’s like an intriguing scene from a movie that makes you hope that the good guys in the game win. I find playing this card game to be very captivating, especially when the special roles are used. The Sheriff, The Hunter, the Witch, the Little Kid, The Fortune Teller. The Werewolves of Millers is a guessing game. Because no one knows who is who and everyone has knowledge to contribute and identities to hide at the same time, this people card game is incredibly intriguing. 

The game starts by the moderator introducing the scenario, which is a sleepy small town, maybe in an alternate dimension. Late 16th-century Pilgrim area of the Southeast South Carolina region. The residents of the town are individuals who are focused on maintaining their farms and crops on a daily basis. One afternoon, a bunch of schoolchildren head down to the stream at the edge of town to go frog catching. The silence is abruptly broken by a scream as the kids scramble up the hillside to their parents' arms for protection. Words like "Terrifying!" and "Blood!" almost escape their shaky mouths as they point trembling fingers at the willow trees along the creek. When the grownups get at the creek, they see one evening guard reclining against a willow tree. His body was ripped, with gashes everywhere. Is he alive? What can be capable of doing this? The word werewolf flows into their minds. The search for answers is on! To appease their fans, this game has released several expansion packs after its initial 2001 release.